Category: Weight Loss

Weight Loss

New Year, New You… Activate Weight Loss

Astonishingly, almost 80% of New Year weight loss resolutions fail in February. Let’s beat that this year! Losing body fat requires using fat, not sugar, for energy. Overcoming awakening and…

Ask Mark Weight Loss

How to Prevent Holiday Weight Gain

How many holidays have you put on extra weight that takes months to get off? No one likes having the look of excess weight, but more importantly the result of…

Diet Weight Loss

A Fresh Look at Losing Weight

You try to lose weight, but you feel hungry.  You succeed in losing 20 pounds, but it comes back after a year.  Why can’t you lose weight and stay thin?…

Vitamin News Weight Loss

Leucine & Weight Loss

New research shows that the amino acid L-leucine may change body composition.  The study authors wanted to see how leucine might effect fat and muscle cells. They had one group…

Diet Strength & Fitness Weight Loss

Can More Protein Reduce Muscle Loss?

Can eating more protein while dieting can help reduce muscle loss?  It has been said that while losing weight, muscle mass will decrease.   New research experimented with varying levels of…

Weight Loss

Can Resveratrol Shrink Fat Cells?

New research suggests that resveratrol may change the metabolism in our fat cells. Resveratrol is found is red wine and thought to be why the French have lower heart disease…

Children Weight Loss

Obesity & Omega-3’s

Childhood obesity has become more and more prevalent in America.  Parents, schools and doctors are trying to develop strategies to reverse this trend. One study points to more omega-3’s as…

Cholesterol Heart & Vascular Health Weight Loss

Arterial Elasticity & Fish Oil

Your arteries ability to be elastic or flexible is very important to your health.  When arteries become stiff and rigid, you are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Researchers wanted to…