Category: Diet


Appetite vs. Hunger

As summer ramps up, everyone is focused on that swimsuit-ready body. While we know what we should or should not be eating, we may not be aware of why we…

Diet Digestive Health

New & Innovative Molecules: Olive Leaf Extract

Health benefits related to olive leaves are extensive and date back to ancient times. Egyptians used them to preserve the bodies of pharaohs; the British used them to treat malaria…

Core Health Detoxification Support Diet

Flavonoids: The Power in Food

Why are fruits and veggies so good for us? Look no further than the beneficial colored molecules called flavonoids! They occur naturally in tea, chocolate, and spices as well. While…

Diet Weight Loss

A Fresh Look at Losing Weight

You try to lose weight, but you feel hungry.  You succeed in losing 20 pounds, but it comes back after a year.  Why can’t you lose weight and stay thin?…

Diet Mood Support

Omega-3 Intake Is Correlated To Depression

Omega-3 intake is correlated to depression according to a new study out of South Korea.  We have previously written about the connection here, and now Korean researchers have shown it…

Brain Support Cognitive Diet

Vitamin K May Improve Memory

New research shows that vitamin K may improve memory.  The study sampled over three hundred adults aged 70 to 85. They looked at their blood levels of vitamin K and…

Children Cognitive Diet Immunity & Inflammatory Support

Omega-3’s and Cognition

A new study on omega-3’s and cognition in children shows just how important they are to our health.  Researchers looked at the ratio of omega-6’s to omega-3’s in 7 to…

Diet Strength & Fitness Weight Loss

Can More Protein Reduce Muscle Loss?

Can eating more protein while dieting can help reduce muscle loss?  It has been said that while losing weight, muscle mass will decrease.   New research experimented with varying levels of…

Diet Digestive Health Immunity & Inflammatory Support

What Is the Relationship Between Food Allergies and Probiotics?

People with food allergies are always on the watch for what is and is not in their foods.  These allergies are an immune response and probiotics can play a role. …