Category: Mood Support

Brain Support Mood Support Vitamin News

Don’t Overlook Vitamin C

When you take a common supplement like vitamin C, you sometimes forget why you take it and what all it can do for you.  Here is an interesting study reminding…

Mood Support Stress

Take A Chill Pill

Have you been feeling stressed out lately?  If you’ve never tried the ayurvedic herb Ashwagandha, you might want to consider it. Some new research shows that when it was given to…

Brain Support Mood Support Stress

Stress and Your Brain

As the new year begins and we all redouble our efforts at work and at home our stress levels may naturally rise.  We all deal with stress, but excessive and…

Mood Support Sleep Support

Winter Blues

Winter is upon us and folks are getting their coats, sweaters and gloves out for the drop in temperature.  Many people are also finding this time of year emotionally difficult….

Diet Mood Support

Fried Food, Trans Fats Promote Aggression

  Researchers assessed the connection between diet and aggression in a study involving 945 men and women.  They found link between the amount of dietary trans fats consumed and the…

Mood Support Stress

B-Complex and Work Stress

A high potency B vitamin supplement reduced negative symptoms from chronic work stress.  Compared to placebo groups, the B-complex groups reported lower personal strain and confusion. Hum Pyschopharmacol 2011. These…

Blood Sugar Support Core Health Mood Support Stress Uncategorized

The Amazing Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is part of a group of plants called the adaptogens.  Just as the name sounds, an adaptogen helps you adapt to stress. Increased Well-Being One trial found that Ashwagandha…

Mood Support

Green Tea and Anxiety

L-theanine, an important amino acid constituent of green tea,  improved attention and reaction time in highly anxious people.  

Mood Support

Zinc: A Boost For Mood

In a study published last month in the Journal of Affective Disorders, researchers took a look at all studies that had used zinc to try to improve depression and concluded…